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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Here we go again...

Hi all.

I'm back.

Yup, I'll be writing about my times in various corporate suites, exposed desks and manic CEO's. Yup, its all here.

But first, I have to update my LinkedIn account, refresh the resume and set up job searches on several job sites. And, since I have experience going through this thing called unemployment, I will be taking breaks. I will step away from the computer to give my brain a rest. I'll do the laundry. I'll mow the lawn. I'll clean up the house. I'll play my bass. I'll learn some songs. I'll do some writing.

Ok, right now, I am going to take a break - the laundry pile awaits. Then maybe play my bass. But I'll be back on LinkedIn and all those other crazy job sites because when you are let go from a job, its time to find a new one.

I'll be back...

Friday, August 12, 2011

Lunch with Eva

So, today I had a great networking lunch with Eva Abreu, founder of NJ Social Media, at the NJ Social Media HQ in Piscataway. It was a great and informative meeting as Eva and I discussed all things within the social media industry such as marketing, resumes and social media platforms. Over a great turkey and provolone sandwich, courtesy of the Tastee Sub shop in Edison, we eventually got to talking about our mutual love for music. We exchanged stories of what we liked and finally Eva asked, “Was there a lot of music in your house growing up?”

I began to tell her about my Dad who had one of the largest and most impressive jazz album collections anywhere (yes, vinyl). Dad could rattle off the bass player in the Oscar Peterson Trio (Ray Brown) and then tell you the entire horn section to the Maynard Ferguson Big Band (too many to list but all smoking). Big Band jazz was in his heart.

Mom, on the other hand, didn’t exactly love Big Band jazz as her tastes were more of the 70s mellow side. To the this day, when I hear any track off of Carol King’s awesome ‘Tapestry’ album, my memory bank immediately shoots back to the crazy green and brown living room in our old house. When I hear that album and almost anything by the Beatles (Rubber Soul and Abbey Road), I am instantaneously sent back to the old house. That’s the power of music. Bringing people together. Very social.

Meanwhile, my two older brothers (I am the youngest of three boys) would be sneaking in Schlitz 16 oz Tall Boy Beers up to the ‘cool room over the garage’ (think that 70s Show) and crank their 8-Tracks of Deep Purple, KISS, and Lynyrd Skynyrd – talk about a mix! Listening to all this different music made a HUGE impact on my own musical roots and now, I am trying to convince my daughter (who is only 5 yrs old now) that listening to Stevie Wonder, then some indie rock, followed by Metallica , which would then turn into The Police, then Earth, Wind and Fire would round out her musical education.

So, what does this really have to do with social media? Well, my lunch with Eva was great and we agreed that just like any social media platform, music could be considered a social media platform as it brings people together. I look forward to attending more networking meetings with Eva and NJ Social Media.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Today we are going to discuss something that everyone here dislikes, and no, it’s not bad reality shows, lukewarm coffee or weather predications. I am going to chat with you about that lovely unwanted email from some unknown person looking to sell you something.

Yes, I’m talking about Spam.

Webster’s dictionary describes Spam as the following –

1. noun, verb, spammed, spam•ming. 1. Trademark: a canned food product consisting esp. of pork formed into a solid block.
And this…
2. noun ( lowercase ) a disruptive, esp. commercial message posted on a computer network or sent as e-mail.


Now that’s the spam I’m talking about. Funny how something so unwanted to could traced to a canned meat substance (for the record, I have never eaten Spam, even after watching the hilarious Monty Python ‘Spam’ episode). Electronic Spam, probably like the canned meat substance of the same name, can clog up your system (so to speak). Don’t these people know that hitting the ‘delete’ button on a Spam email is as natural as brushing your teeth?

So, let’s talk about the unwanted and or unsolicited electronic mail that comes to you with the possibility of some very promising results (Act now! Be the first on your block! Feeling down? Talk to hot singles!). Should you click on them? Sure, and you should open a can of Spam and try it with mustard, on rye.

Spam, the tinned luncheon meat, made largely from pork, in the military, stood for SPiced HAM, or for Stuff Posing As Meat. And for those annoying emails we all get, it stands for Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages. You get the idea.

Here is an example of SPAM I have received in my personal email account. Breast Implants, Fish Oil, World Travel, Left Hip Replacement Recall, Free Palm Reading, Find Love Today, As Seen On TV, Right Hip Replacement Donation, Impress your friends with Origami, Hubcap Art, Personal Mobility, etc, etc…

So, like the elephant in the room, when it comes to Spam, we all get them. Some are more colorful than others, some are as fiction as a good novel and most are very annoying. Thankfully, the ‘delete’ button, like brushing your teeth, is your best friend when it comes to the never ending fight against Spam (be the first to like this blog post and win a chance to talk to a hot single!! Who loves hubcap art! And spiced meat on rye!)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Did you hear that?

knock, knock,

"Did you hear that?"


knock, knock

"There it is again?"

"What are you talking about?"

knock, knock

"Wait, there it is once more!"

"Really, I have no clue what you are talking about…"

That, my friends was the sound of opportunity, knocking on your door. Followed by, the sound of the planets coming into alignment. And lastly, that sound was someone turning on the light at the end of the tunnel. Welcome to your second wind, also known as, graduating from the Mini MBA program in Digital Marketing at the Center for Management Development at Rutgers.

I’ve been unemployed (or in ‘transition’) for the last fifteen months and I have been exploring several avenues of employment since that time. I’ve done several informational interviews with various friends in the design/marketing industry, I volunteered at a non-profit agency (The Seeing Eye) and a music festival (wrote the FB posts for the Waterloo Music festival), and then I tried fifteen weeks in thirteenth grade, but spending 40 hours in ‘the’ Piscataway with some of the best instructors in Social Media and Digital Marketing at the Rutgers Center for Management Development Mini MBA class has easily been the best move I have made so far.

Let’s do a quick recap – An engaging Matt Bailey talked about the SEO and Blogging and then Mark Schaeffer walked us through a comprehensive Social Media guide. Glen Gilmore eased us through Privatization while Christian ‘CK’ Kerley barreled through the benefits of Mobile Marketing. Greg Jarboe smoothly explained the benefits of ‘the’ You Tube and finally Mike Moran wrapped up the whole course in a neat and tidy box and imposed a great case study on us using everything we learned. Wow, my head was spinning.

As we neared completion of the course, Mike Moran finished the week with some excellent advice for us students. He told us to ‘take a deep breath and let the information sink in,’ then he asked that we take three items that we learned this week and explore those. For me, it will be re-doing my blogging website, researching Mobile Optimization and understanding ‘the’ You Tube. Hopefully, by next week, I should have a new website for my blog, up and running.

I also attend the New Jersey Open Coffee Social Media Meetup that takes place every Thursday in Montclair to continue my networking and if you have been following this blog, I will also continue to try and have the best lawn on my block.

So, yes, opportunity does knock, planets do align and lights in tunnels can be turned on.

Enjoy the ride.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Media that is Social

So, I’m looking to get into the somewhat new industry of Social Media. I have heard that conversations amongst ‘social media-ians’ (just made that up) usually goes like this –

Man 1 – Hey dude, have you Tweeted today yet?
Man 2 – No, but I have tumblr-ed this morning.
Man 1 – Wow, you feeling ok?
Man 2 – Yeah, I’m cool, I posted it on Facebook!
Man 1 – That’s totally Hootsuite, man…
Man 2 – LOL, dude….

Well, it might not be exactly like that, but that, ladies and gentlemen, are where we are headed. Yes, social media is here to stay. Another aspect of this new trend and something that has been around for quite a long time is blogging (or imaginative writing found on obscure sounding websites that the author thinks is funny or (gasp!) creative!).

A prime example of that kind of nonsense can be found at http://totallywink.blogspot.com

Well, yes, I have tweeted (I’m @totallywink), occasionally, I Facebook (Facebook is now a verb), this morning I Hootsuit-ed but I have yet to Tumblr. As I continue to network and research potential employment positions, I need to be confident in my answers when I am asked about my Twitter account (sounds creepy, doesn’t it?) or any Blog post I may have written (telling an HR rep my fascination with a psychotic bunny styled polo may take some kid gloves).

That’s why attending the New Jersey Open Coffee Meet Up about Social Media and Digital Marketing on Thursdays (http://www.meetup.com/New-Jersey-Open-Coffee-Montclair/) has been instrumental in me learning the language that so many geeks and HR folks speak.

This, and my future sojourn (actually next Monday) at the Rutgers Center for Management Development in Digital Marketing (It’s part of their Mini MBA program!! - http://www.cmd.rutgers.edu/mini-mba-digital-marketing.html) will help with my education (Right On!).

The real key to this Social Media experience is too hopefully, not make it an Anti-Social Media. Networking can only go so far via the internet. That’s why getting out and going to the Social Media Meetup in Montclair and the class at Rutgers will help folks put a face with the Tweet. Or the Hootsuite. Or the Tumblr.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Tired of my Attire

Ya know, when your unemployed, sometimes the hardest part of the day is deciding what t-shirt to wear. Most of my t-shirts are of the short sleeve variety and just about all of them, have some sort of dopey saying or colorful image plastered over the middle (I just got an awesome Spy vs. Spy shirt! Sweeeeeett!!).

But when it’s time to ‘step it up’ a bit, I tend to reach for the traditional, collared, solid color golf shirt. I know what you’re saying, if that’s his ‘step it up’ look, I would hate to see ‘formal’. Speaking of ‘formal’, that is usually some sort of long sleeved button down with crisp starched collars that can cause skin abrasions when worn for more than 30 minutes. It’s more like Velcro than silk. Anyway, those ‘armor’ styled shirts are still hanging in my closet, with the dry cleaning tag still attached (and hopefully the blood stains removed).

Back to the golf shirts; the ones I have are mostly just solid prints, with the occasional striped accents ala Bobby Brady and not too many logos (an alligator or someone’s initials stitched on my upper left chest? I think not!). Basic golf shirts, too me, are one step up from the classic ‘Guinness’ t-shirt.

Then, a while back, my wife returned home with the most awesome-ist, down-right kick ass, most totally wicked traditional golf shirt I have ever seen. And, it has a logo – this logo –

Check out that bunny head. Totally cool. Yes, I now have a very cool Psycho Bunny traditional golf shirt (in a blue solid print, of course). And, it doesn’t matter where I go, someone always manages to comment on my new, way cool ‘polo.’ “It’s not a traditional polo,” I am sometimes asked for which I answer, “It still has a collar and two buttons so I think this still qualifies as a ‘polo’.”


Does wearing this shirt make me want to listen to ‘Psycho Killer’ by the Talking Heads or ‘Psycho Analysis’ from the Ramones? Not really. But take note all you alligator wearing, collar up two initials sporting ‘polo’ looking guys, do yourself a favor and think outside the proverbial golf shirt box. Grab yourself a Psycho Bunny polo and snub your nose at convention. I like to think of the Universe as wearing the alligator and me wearing the Bunny. Psycho Bunny, that is. (I don’t work for the Psycho Bunny, I’m just a fan).

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What's in a name?

Totally Wink.

What a strange surname and domain title. What kind of person uses such a creative and thought provoking alias?

Well, it’s not so thought provoking as one might think, but it still catches folks’ attention.

So, here’s the story of how Totally Wink became such a phenomenon (well, at least in my head).

Years ago, when I was a young lad, I was in a cover band that was going to focus all its songs on the 1970s. Didn’t matter who the artist was (Captain and Tennille) or what the song sounded like (‘September’ by Earth, Wind and Fire). We were going to do the songs our own way (damit!).

One night, during a band meeting at the local Chili’s Restaurant, we reviewed our set list, pondered gig schedules, and discussed attire. Everything was going very smoothly (as were the industrial strength margaritas – on the rocks with salt) when it dawned on us that we lacked the one thing a working band needs, a name.
“Who were we?” we thought in between bites of our epic beef nachos and salsa. “What’s our niche” we deliberated while alternating our margarita and beer consumption. Finally, the lead singer announced, “We need a 70’s icon that we can have as the face of this band, so everyone start thinking about that” (this was before smartphones were invented). Well, that only left me (the bass player) and the singer as we were both born in the 60s and the drummer and guitar player were born during Disco’s peak (i.e. they had no clue).

So, names were launched out – Mr. T? Nah. Fonzi? No way. Poncherello? “What the hell is a Poncherello…” the drummer asked. Anyway, we continued and the guitar player says, “Who was this guy Wink Martindale? I remember my parents saying that was a funny name.” Like a ball peen hammer hitting your pinky toe in the middle of the night, it came to me. I said, (and probably was slurring a little when I said it) “Man, that’s totally wink…” The other guys waved me off like the drunk bass player I was and continued with their search.

Me? The next day at my job, working for an internet service provider, I bought the domain name Totally Wink (that was in 1993) and still have it. As for the band, we lasted about as long as a contestant on Tic-Tac-Dough and called it quits soon after. But the name, Totally Wink has lived on.