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Monday, August 1, 2011


Today we are going to discuss something that everyone here dislikes, and no, it’s not bad reality shows, lukewarm coffee or weather predications. I am going to chat with you about that lovely unwanted email from some unknown person looking to sell you something.

Yes, I’m talking about Spam.

Webster’s dictionary describes Spam as the following –

1. noun, verb, spammed, spam•ming. 1. Trademark: a canned food product consisting esp. of pork formed into a solid block.
And this…
2. noun ( lowercase ) a disruptive, esp. commercial message posted on a computer network or sent as e-mail.


Now that’s the spam I’m talking about. Funny how something so unwanted to could traced to a canned meat substance (for the record, I have never eaten Spam, even after watching the hilarious Monty Python ‘Spam’ episode). Electronic Spam, probably like the canned meat substance of the same name, can clog up your system (so to speak). Don’t these people know that hitting the ‘delete’ button on a Spam email is as natural as brushing your teeth?

So, let’s talk about the unwanted and or unsolicited electronic mail that comes to you with the possibility of some very promising results (Act now! Be the first on your block! Feeling down? Talk to hot singles!). Should you click on them? Sure, and you should open a can of Spam and try it with mustard, on rye.

Spam, the tinned luncheon meat, made largely from pork, in the military, stood for SPiced HAM, or for Stuff Posing As Meat. And for those annoying emails we all get, it stands for Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages. You get the idea.

Here is an example of SPAM I have received in my personal email account. Breast Implants, Fish Oil, World Travel, Left Hip Replacement Recall, Free Palm Reading, Find Love Today, As Seen On TV, Right Hip Replacement Donation, Impress your friends with Origami, Hubcap Art, Personal Mobility, etc, etc…

So, like the elephant in the room, when it comes to Spam, we all get them. Some are more colorful than others, some are as fiction as a good novel and most are very annoying. Thankfully, the ‘delete’ button, like brushing your teeth, is your best friend when it comes to the never ending fight against Spam (be the first to like this blog post and win a chance to talk to a hot single!! Who loves hubcap art! And spiced meat on rye!)

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