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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Unemployment Fifteen.

The Unemployment Fifteen is a title for several topics. First, it is my purpose to network with at least 15 new people this month. Second, it will be my determination to send out at least 15 resumes for the next month. And thirdly, I will do my best not to gain fifteen pounds sitting in front of this evil laptop eating M&M’s (plain) and cold pizza (plain again). My quest has for networking with new folks is kinda like standing on a long line at the grocery store, eagerly waiting for another register to open. It’s all about being tactful, maybe a tad restrained, then, when the opportunity presents itself, launching a personal salvo - ‘I’m unemployed, please, talk to me!’ At that point, they will either A) reluctantly talk with you or B) call the police. I always hope for A.

As for the resumes, I have sent out about five already so I am one third of the way to my goal. That of course does not include anyone who may have glanced over my resume on one of the many online websites that I have posted to. I should probably do an inventory of just where my resumes are (Me – No, I did not post my resume on the Mary Kay site; I think you may have the wrong number. Thanks though.).

And now for the last installment of the Unemployment Fifteen, this is about hopefully not gaining fifteen pounds. Listen, I know we’ve all been there. Sitting in a non ergonomic chair with bad lighting, breathing recycled air while staring at a bunch of Excel spreadsheets that make no sense, all the while getting the 1024 x 768 pixel tan while chowing down on vending machine Snickers and Mini Muffins; and don’t forget the cube walls that surround you with their awful sterile fabric that the manufactures’ assumed would make you more productive, right?
Well, it’s the same scenario except now, I’m home. Albeit, I’m sitting in a more comfortable chair and the windows are open, but the fridge is 14 steps away and it’s located carefully next to the microwave which sits above the coffee maker. And that is only to my immediate right. If I look to my immediate left, it’s the 46 inch flat screen TV with the remotes just sitting there on the couch cushions screaming, ‘Channel 570 is SportsCenter and it’s on right now! And it’s in High Def!!’ Ouch.
This might be the Universe hazing me (Me – Universe!! You and me, we’re not done here, you hear me?!?!).

I can get through this.

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