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Friday, July 23, 2010

The Follow Up

So, I reached out to a former co-worker to see how the old company I worked for is doing. Tam Aznod is still sitting in a cube, wearing pleated khakis’ and wishing he was someplace else. I’ve changed Tam’s name to protect his cube position. Here is an excerpt of the conversation:

Me – Hey Tam, how’s it going?

Tam (whispering) – Hey man, I can’t really talk, I’m on a call campaign to all my clients…

Me – OK, I’ll let you go. I was just checking in to see what’s happening.

Tam (still whispering) – nothing’s changed here. I still sit in this God forsaken cube, wearing a headset, talking to people who don’t want to talk to me. It’s horrible. If nothing else, at least the coffee is free…

Me – Bummer man…

Tam – Yeah, you think you’re miserable sitting at home trying to figure out your next career move, try coming back here and wearing a fake smile, and pressed pants. Who knew I had to match my socks with my belt?

Me – I’m wearing a pair of shorts right now…

Tam - You suck...

Me - Anyway, how are Laurie (Laurie Broadway) and Mickey (Mickey VicShane) doing?

Tam (still whispering) – They are miserable as well, wait hold on (Tam changes his voice) That’s right sir, it’s Tam Aznod calling, I was calling in regards to……. that’s right,….. yes, from the corporate office,….. and…… (Tam starts to whisper again) whew,… that was close, our new Senior VP just walked by, I hope he bought it, you still there?

Me – I’m still here. Look you sound somewhat busy…

Tam – Yeah kinda, these call campaigns are so bothersome that I can’t even play Bejewelded anymore…

Me – Well, tell everyone I said ‘hi’ and…

Tam – I will, hey man, be happy you got this chance to sort your career out. Its way too tough to do it while you’re in a call campaign having people yell at you over the phone. And I cannot express how much I can’t stand sitting in a cube. Gotta go! Let’s have lunch!

Well, Tam and I and the rest of the gang are going to have lunch to commiserate on corporate cube sitting. It really won’t be a networking gig but it will sure be fun.

Take that Universe….

Friday, July 16, 2010

Holiday Week

This post was delayed due to a vacation, so I apologize for the lateness - So, I will admit that this was indeed a bad week for networking. When a major holiday comes rolling in, it seems like everyone (myself included) gets sucked into the hilarity of it all and completely shuts down. I am one of those folks and I am guilty as charged. Well, the July Fourth one day holiday suddenly became the July Fourth four day holiday weekend. July Fourth landed on a Sunday so most companies gave Friday July Second off as well as Monday July Fifth off. This all made me a tad bitter as I wished I had all those days off as well (wait a minute, who am I kidding!?) I know, I know, people kept telling me that I’m so lucky to be home, and “that’s awesome that you have the time to find what you want and…”

Ok. I get it.

I do know I have this great opportunity to ‘find myself’ so to speak but it’s not like going to Stop and Shop to get some buttermilk waffles (two for $4.00 today with your Stop and Shop card!) and a couple plain vanilla yogurts (I like yogurt, really!), it really is a bit tougher. Then there are more hiccups thrown at you (but this one is a good hiccup) - Today, I went with my daughter on their school field trip to the Turtle Back Zoo. Talk about insanity! 32 five year olds wearing neon green shirts dodging rain drops and goose poop trying to watch the penguins eat sardines. It was awesome! And for a few hours I didn’t really care if I networked or not. I left drenched and happy. My one observation about the zoo was that they put the red tailed hawks habitat directly across the way from the prairie dog home; now, isn’t that a bit insensitive toward the Hawks? I mean, they must be going crazy watching those brown varmints running around freely without a care while they are in a twenty four by twenty four foot square cage with NO CHANCE of grabbing one for breakfast.

Like I said, strictly an observation, and here I was thinking that the Universe was playing tricks on me….

There’s always another chance to network tomorrow.