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Friday, July 23, 2010

The Follow Up

So, I reached out to a former co-worker to see how the old company I worked for is doing. Tam Aznod is still sitting in a cube, wearing pleated khakis’ and wishing he was someplace else. I’ve changed Tam’s name to protect his cube position. Here is an excerpt of the conversation:

Me – Hey Tam, how’s it going?

Tam (whispering) – Hey man, I can’t really talk, I’m on a call campaign to all my clients…

Me – OK, I’ll let you go. I was just checking in to see what’s happening.

Tam (still whispering) – nothing’s changed here. I still sit in this God forsaken cube, wearing a headset, talking to people who don’t want to talk to me. It’s horrible. If nothing else, at least the coffee is free…

Me – Bummer man…

Tam – Yeah, you think you’re miserable sitting at home trying to figure out your next career move, try coming back here and wearing a fake smile, and pressed pants. Who knew I had to match my socks with my belt?

Me – I’m wearing a pair of shorts right now…

Tam - You suck...

Me - Anyway, how are Laurie (Laurie Broadway) and Mickey (Mickey VicShane) doing?

Tam (still whispering) – They are miserable as well, wait hold on (Tam changes his voice) That’s right sir, it’s Tam Aznod calling, I was calling in regards to……. that’s right,….. yes, from the corporate office,….. and…… (Tam starts to whisper again) whew,… that was close, our new Senior VP just walked by, I hope he bought it, you still there?

Me – I’m still here. Look you sound somewhat busy…

Tam – Yeah kinda, these call campaigns are so bothersome that I can’t even play Bejewelded anymore…

Me – Well, tell everyone I said ‘hi’ and…

Tam – I will, hey man, be happy you got this chance to sort your career out. Its way too tough to do it while you’re in a call campaign having people yell at you over the phone. And I cannot express how much I can’t stand sitting in a cube. Gotta go! Let’s have lunch!

Well, Tam and I and the rest of the gang are going to have lunch to commiserate on corporate cube sitting. It really won’t be a networking gig but it will sure be fun.

Take that Universe….

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