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Monday, May 24, 2010

Able, Active and Available

So, I am trying to figure out if this so called 'universe' is now just toying with me. Here I am, again, going to a meeting at the local unemployment office, and of course, it was raining. No, it was teeming. I mean, pouring (please do not say anything about an old man snoring, thank you). The scorecard should now read, Universe-2, Me-0. As you may recall, the first unemployment meeting I had (on my birthday no less) it was raining as well. Good times I tell ya, good times. It's gotta be the universe. First, like a siren baiting me to follow her (getting me out of my cube job) has now turned to challenging me (two unemployment meetings in the rain? No job leads to think of? Come on!!). I curse you universe. I will eventually have my revenge on you in the form of a job I actually like.
Anyway, back to the meeting. The local unemployment office here in the Garden State is far from garden like. The fake wood paneling and bad lighting does not give an impression of 'warmth' or a 'we would like to help you' vibe. There was about twenty of us sitting at a variety of different table sizes and bad chairs all probably wondering the same thing - God, I hope my car is still in the lot when this is done!
The mood was quiet in the room as many of the folks there kept their eyes to themselves. The wardrobe consisted of everything from suits to sweats and flip flops to shoes with tassels. Obviously there is no dress code for attending an unemployment meeting (thankfully we did not have to stand up and introduce ourselves, i.e. Hi, I'm Brian and I am Unemployed - all, Hi Brian!) The young woman who ran the orientation kept mentioning that you had to be Able, Active and Available. That to me sounded like the catch phrase for a Senior Citizen dating website. Anyway, good information was tossed out like a Pez dispenser and then we all walked briskly to see if our cars were still in the lot. Whew! That was close. But I still need to let the instructor know that as of now, I am currently Able, Active and Available. And no, I am not on a website for Senior Citizens who wish to hook up. That universe is crafty one.

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