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Friday, May 21, 2010

End of the week

This is the second post in my description of going through the unemployment blues (in D minor which is the saddest of all keys - Nigel Tufnel) so bear with me as I get my thoughts together.

Today is Friday and I've survived another week of not working. Well, not really, I mean, I have been working at finding work, somewhat. Let's see how the rest of my week went -
Drive daughter to school, check email, monitor Ebay account, start blog, check email, take webinar, make call to Unemployment, check email, think about starting a new post for blog, let the dog out, update Linked In account, check email, pick up daughter at school, finish post for blog. Repeat as necessary.

It's been three weeks since I was let go from the cube farm and I'm still at a standstill. I'm looking to go back to school for, of all things, copy writing (I really hope that my writing here in this blog is somewhat coherent). I find writing to be very therapeutic. Kinda like music (just ask my Fender Jazz bass). Kinda like reading (Just ask my latest paperback 'Fletch'). My thinking now is that the universe was telling me that I needed a change. And for that, I thank you universe.
Next week will bring two face-to-face meetings with the kind folks at the unemployment office and possibly more webinars. And definitely more blog posts.

I can get through this...

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